"Werners Themenwelt"

Inspiration & Motivation

The language of Relationship

That can be see and understand how you want.

The human changes the horse in the relationship. This is the start of horse training in this regard. When there exists faults, human needs a trainer for the language between horse and human:. A Coach in horse communication! 

Who trains speaks to the horse. That is why the language of behavior is the subject of coaching. Who trains speaks to the horse! That is why the language of your behavior is the subject of coaching.

You will succeed with it!

In the relationship of horse and human is the langugage the mesure of unterstanding. In the horse and riding school can be learned to correct mistakes that have a negative effect on the horse communication. That helps to get better.

People learn the languages of the people but not the language of the horses. This language is foreign to them and not interesting to them. But this unique form of langugage can be spoken with people. Horse langugage is an intuitive behavioral language that is clear, true, direct and different form that of humans.

I can build a bridge between the langugages. I do this as an intermediary through the training in dealing with horses and riding.
