"Werners Themenwelt"

Inspiration & Motivation

Horse Feel Therapy - with the hands on the horse!

Touch, feel, sense.

Getting closer to the horse, holding it, walking with it and reaching it with the senses. Scooping energy from the binding to the horse. This methode set free positive motivating feelings of the satisfaction and happinies. That need people in between times in a tense life.

Moments of happiness are beautiful and important experiences that can get when horse feeling.

Connecting emotionally with the horse and feel into the horse. This bindung conveys the harmony of inner equalization. This process radiates an energy as a force of relaxation and balance. Is this force weaked penetrates restlessness from outher into the people that can balanced through a horse feel therapy.

This becomes effektive over the connection to the horse and also from the human to horse. It is an inner experience of the silent communication for self-finding of thoughts and feelings. You will percieve the particular, recognize the effect and profit from the radiated energy.

These part of horse communication through touching the horse has a grabed influence on the senses and the mind in harmony with oneself and the horse.
